Terry Higdon’s book, “Retirement Made S.I.M.P.L.E.” provides an innovative an eye-opening approach to retirement planning, one sorely
needs in today's economy. Drawing on his years of experience, Terry reveals 6 Steps of the "Retirement Made S.I.M.P.L.E.” process
designed to help provide readers with successful Retirement Plan.
Never veering from his core values, Higdon walks you through the many concerns facing today's retirees. These "Retirement Made
S.I.M.P.L.E" strategies can help light the path to financial independence and retirement confidence. At a time when truth is sometimes hard
to find, Higdon's refreshing and honest information can help provide hope, and can motivate you to action. Terry distills complex financial
concepts into strategic steps and everyday language to help you make the best financial decisions for yourself and your family.